Bilateral Meetings
- July 12, 2015 (10:00 am - 5:00 pm)
DescriptionBrewing project offering great balanced and easy to drink beers yet with a strong character through a modern image.
Founded by 2 friends, both brewers working in the brewery industry for several years.
Organization Type
Other, SME
CityBrussels, Chaussé de Bruxelles 105 boite 52 Google map
Areas of Activities
Beverage production
Distribution en Belgique
Nous recherchons un distributeur en Belgique afin d'étendre la disponibilité de nos bières dans le pays.
Nous offrons des bières Belges de caractère, tout en étant faciles à boire avec une image plus moderne.
Cooperation Requested
- Sales/Distribution Agreement
Great beers - looking for export agreement
We offer great balanced and easy to drink beers yet with a strong character through a modern image. Available in one way kegs and 33cl long neck bottles. We are currently looking for expanding our business through export in Europe.
Cooperation Requested
- Sales/Distribution Agreement